We help you strengthen and recover from muscle and joint imbalances with a proven framework to get better quicker. Join us in our community, get access to an expert in live support calls, and get your questions answered 24/7

 Ready for change?

limited time offer

Expert Live Calls
2x a Month
$185 monthly

Supportive Community
$99 monthly

Video Library Courses
$99 monthly

Total Value:
$383/month FREE

How would you like...

...a private community of people who "get it" and learn together?

...an expert on speed dial?

...guidance to start getting out of pain today?

i want instant access!

A muscle and joint expert that helps you customize a plan of action for healing muscle and joint issues that is specific to you. You can't afford not to take advantage of this! And it's free!

But also, the serious questions: Do I have sciatica? How can I tell? Do I have carpal tunnel? Why does my hip hurt all the time? Is my issue reversible? Treatable?

Reach out any time you have an issue no matter how small. "Hey guys, can someone tell me why my knee hurts when I run and how to fix it?  Why can't I get down into a full squat?"  We're here for it!

(Limited time free offer)

Real-life examples from our community

"For me... Paul's approach has
been life changing."

- Kellie Suttle, Olympian 

We have helped Olympians like pole vaulter Kellie Suttle go from an unknown future to understanding her cause of pain and addressing it for life-changing results!

Our own clients have been able to avoid surgery 99% of the time.

"Paul has changed the trajectory of my life."

Hutt B.
A life coach and retired athlete who had severe pain before working with Paul.

I'm ready to get better

(Limited time free offer)

You have nothing to lose but the pain.
Get better faster. 

This is like having access to the bat phone in Gotham City.

I'm in. So how does it work?

Click here to join our group (this takes 2 minutes or less).

Put our live support call into your calendar.

Tell us how we can help you. Someone will be along shortly to take you to the correct video or advice. If the info is not already in the classroom videos, we will make one especially for you.




Get better in 3 easy steps:

- jodie sajor, pOWERLIFTER

Little nuggets of information on the body and things I can do at home to better my self, now that is priceless! Paul is a treasure chest of info and approaches his work with love and respect. I'm feeling lighter and more optimistic about how I'm gonna approach my next training cycle. 

"Paul is a treasure chest of info!"

Once given support and direction you feel you'll be a self starter.

You're a kind and positive person that will be a supportive part of the community.. You enjoy sharing your wins and being part of a community.

You understand that we are not doctors and we are not diagnosing you're injury. You're getting access to free support for improving your muscle and joint strength and stability. If you're under a doctors care you will seek their advice before  starting our programming.

You love the feeling of having a group  to vibe with and your open to sharing and encouraging each other.

You understand the benefits of taking care of the body at home with corrective movement coaching. 

You're healthy and active but you're in pain.

THIs is for you if:

Yup. This is me!

We know they say Disneyland is the Happiest Place on Earth...but we plan on challenging that.


- eric ayau 

(psst! that was eric but it could be you.)

Thank you for helping me getting back to what I love to do! By far the BEST!! 

How it Works

And what to expect

You’ll get access to a movement library of videos and you’ll work with Paul directly to customize a plan of action. Let’s do this!


This is a private community  where you can ask for support and advice, share what's working, get feedback and share  resources and referrals. You finally won't feel alone.

Supportive Private Community

Get VIP access to our team of experts, bi-weekly in a live format. Get help on implementing methods and ask your questions. Super-fast track your journey to pain free!

 Live Q&A




limited time offer

Total Value:
$383/month FREE

Ready to jump in?

Shall we practice our secret handshake?

I'm ready to start

What you get...

- Movement Library: already tons of videos and more on the way
- Specific and Custom support 
- Exact Steps and systems  
- 24/7 access to support 
- Private Community Forum (priceless)
- Help hotline biweekly (goldmine)
- Direct Access to Paul (invaluable)

Total Value:
$383/month FREE

Expert Live Calls
2x a month

Supportive Community

Video Library Courses

"My doctor told me I had a butt muscle sprain and that a... 

i want this!

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus non erat in ipsum viverra tempus. Sed ac odio sit amet quam rhoncus euismod. amet. In malesuada augue est, nec suscipit turpis scelerisque sit amet. In eleifend mi purus. 

Add Your Chapter One Title Here 


i want help too!

This could be you

- Chris cruikshank

I am speechless... I'm experiencing almost full range of motion in my ankle! I'm extremely grateful for your skill, knowledge and expertise. Thank you! Looking forward to continuing the healing. 

I am speechless

Your doctor's dedication and efforts are not in question, but the reality is that they may have limited expertise in muscle and joint injuries. Consequently, misdiagnoses can occur due to their limited knowledge and experience, which is particularly noticeable in conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica pain.

You likely have a sense of what isn't working for you, which is why you're here. Seeking a second opinion is always a wise choice, and reputable doctors would agree.

 Chances are you already know what’s not working. And that’s why you’re here.

However, people often turn to YouTube or Dr. Google for that second opinion. The allure lies in their speed and cost-effectiveness. Plus, who hasn't heard a story about someone diagnosing their stomach pain as mere gas, thanks to Google?

We rely on these resources ourselves but searching "how to relieve back pain" on Google produces a staggering 1.3 billion results. It can be incredibly frustrating to navigate through this sea of information to determine what actually works and what doesn't, all on your own.

“How to relieve back pain” in Google produces 1.3 billion results.

We want to help you stop wasting your hard-earned money and time on things that don’t work.

You simply need a muscle and joint expert in your court for a muscle and joint injury, imbalance, or weakness that will help you figure out what to do to get better.

A game plan that is customized to you and your individual circumstances.

You get to tell us what’s happening with you, and we help you get results for where you’re at in your journey.

After all: every injury is different, so it should not be a one size fits all plan for getting back to health. Amiright?

You may be thinking, “I’ve tried yoga, massage, chiros, PT’s, but I’m still dealing with the same issue.”

We totally get it. But we have a formula for getting out of pain. It works 100% of the time for anyone willing to do the work.

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you're right."

- Henry Ford

Why? Because your results are affected by your mindset, they are a direct reflection of your mindset.

If you bring the proper mindset, we will bring expert guidance and there’s nothing you can’t accomplish. Team YOU ftw!

We want to be that guide. A muscle and joint expert in your court (finally) and a whole community of support that could tell you exactly what to do to get better and what to avoid. And when you get stuck, tell us and we’ll help you get unstuck.

 *We’re not doctors, and we don’t diagnose. We will always recommend that you see your doctor before starting our program.

You're buying tickets to finally do that once-in-a-lifetime backpacking trip through Europe.

Imagine if this time next year your body moved better than it ever did.

You're back on the volleyball court.

You're dusting off those rollerblades.

I've been interested in muscles since I was a scrawny 12-year-old that didn't have any.

I would buy cheese and milk with my allowance so I could get stronger and bigger than my older brother. I eventually did but I don't recommend the milk and cheese diet.

My mom was an RN and a hippie.

How do I know?

Homemade granola and cod liver oil every morning for breakfast.

The doctors wanted her to put me on meds for ADD.

She was trying to keep me off of meds by massaging me every night before bed and it worked.

That foundation set me up to understand how the body works and what it needs for input to heal.

I've focused on helping people heal themselves for 2 decades.

Over the years, I've helped people tremendously, but I was limited within the constraints of time. 

That meant I would have a 6 week wait on average for you to be seen. 

I can actually help many people using the same approach and methods but online.
That's where you come in. Get education and support in our community and classroom. 

We use the skool platform where you can post questions and I can post answers. And you can take advantage of all the materials I put in the classroom. All in one place.
24/7 access to the programs you need online and a searchable database so you'll never not be able to find what you need.

A live call every other week I can get you what you need in a live format and see your form or troubleshoot issues, and a point system you can level up all the way to "Coach" and get insider access.

I'm in there daily offering help and support. Come say hi!

I’m Paul. Muscle & Joint Specialist 

can we hang out? 

I'm In

frequently asked questions

The current 1.0 version of this is free. But if you choose to join a pain membership the answer is Yes there is a money back guarantee. We want you to be happy hanging out with us.  If you don't feel that less than $1/a day is a good value for what we are offering then just email us and we will cancel your recurring membership. (for future months) You will will lose your founders' locked in price. If you need help again, you'll have to join at the higher price.  Getting in now at this price is forever locked in. Oh and we're limiting the number of people in the door at the founders' price.

No, we are not doctors and you are not our patient. We are orthopedic muscle and joint mobility experts. The license we hold is Massage Therapist in the State of Hawaii. This is why we cannot diagnose any injury or symptoms or conditions. We can guide you in finding the correct treatment based on what was already diagnosed or what you have self-diagnosed. Or find you alternatives. We always recommend you consult your doctor before starting any exercise/movement programs.

The platform Skool uses technology that allows you to search for a word or condition in all of the classroom videos and discussions making it super easy to locate the movements you need for the “condition” you are wanting to treat. Additionally, becoming a beta member means you are shaping our future content. Got a frozen shoulder? Let’s get you the specific help you need by using our Live support every other week and the pre-recorded videos and the community. (Fyi, We know exactly what to do for frozen shoulder.)

Skool is a hybrid of courses and community and rewards people for showing up in the community. We find this to be fun and enriching. Once you get to certain levels you unlock new rewards and even individual time with Paul for one-on-one coaching. 

You can take advantage of whatever courses you want with the all-access pass available at this link. But what we have found is when we offered individual courses, we didn’t get to support our students through that journey and enrich their experience making sure they got a lot out of it. We also realized that all of our courses worked well together. The foot pain gone course was designed to help your feet, but we want you to keep going and work on your ankles, knees, hips and be a fully strong and pain free human body. Providing a community meant we could have a deeper relationship with every one of our students and offer one-on-one support. 

Just ask. If it doesn't exist but several people want it, we'll make it.  You can search by words like "plantar fasciitis" and find every occurence of the word in the classroom and in the posts.. We're checking in daily so  you can directly message Paul or an admin and if there isn’t something (yet) for what you need we will see you in the Live Q&A where you can get the personalized coaching, or we will make the program for you and put it in the classroom for lots of people to take advantage of. You essentially are helping us build this out to be just what you need!

P.S. This sounds so amazing! But what's the catch?


Expert Live Calls
2x a Month

Supportive Community

Video Library Courses

Total Value:
$383/month FREE

  We totally get it.
Because there's always a catch.

The community is totally free as is the Movement Library and live support too!

Just saying, don't miss this chance. Cuz there's no going back...once the offer is gone...it's gone.
Join our movement.

Final Note: This is limited to a few founding members. When those spots are filled, price goes up!

© 2023 sportbdoywork.com | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED